Freedom of speech and expression is under unprecedented attack in Russia, even for Putin’s over 20 years in power. Social media platforms are banned, a few remaining independent news outlets are closed, and people are threatened to be thrown in jails and prisons for 15 years for going to the streets protests the war in Ukraine. All of these issues and more are captured in the new exhibit of satirical political posters “Kremlin Theatre of Absurd” by Igor Karash.
“Kremlin Theatre of Absurd” Exhibit | April 8 – May 31, 2022 | Free Admission
Cultural Center – Our Texas
The opening of the exhibition will be held on Friday, April 8 at 7:00 pm. Igor Karash will be attending the opening ceremony virtually.
Join Igor at the opening of the exhibit via Zoom using this Link.
The illustrations on the exhibit will be on sale, and all proceeds from sales will be donated to humanitarian aid for Ukraine.
Igor Karash – originally from Baku, Azerbaijan – is a highly acclaimed illustrator based in St. Louis, MO. This exhibition of computer illustrations is not the first one we host at the Russian Cultural Center. He has been a strong critic of Putin’s regime, showing his visual interpretation of a shift in Putin’s persona from a strong man to Hitler-like dictator. His illustrations pierce thru time and include familiar themes for those from former Soviet Republics, like iconic theatre plays, books, names, phrases, and images.
Igor’s works have been recognized by book illustration competitions in the US, the UK, China including American Illustration 32 and 34, House of Illustration and Folio Society, and Luerzer’s Archive “200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 2014-2015 and 2016-2017.
Igor Karash: “Here I reinterpret the play The Dragon by Soviet playwriter Evgeny Schwartz originally aimed against Hitler and Stalin”. In this illustration, we see sarcastic criticism of Putin’s aspirations for Russian Imperialism and his nostalgia for Soviet times.
To learn more about the works of Igor Karash, visit http://karashillustration.com/ or The Daily Heller by Steven Heller.
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