The Movie “A Horsey Name” by Natalia Fisyak
The movie “A Horsey Name” by Natalia Fisyak
Russian Cultural Center invites you to watch a good movie by Natalia Fisyak on March 11.
The movie is based on the funny short story “A Horsey Name“.
“A Horsey Name” is an 1885 short story by Anton Chekhov. while driving all of them mad in the process. The retired general Buldeyev, suffering from a toothache, has tried all possible means of treating it, to no avail. Also, he is not willing, though, to remove the tooth, so some cure is to be found. Tsarist-era general, his butler, and the household attempt to recall the name of a mystic healer who can cure his splitting toothache while driving all of them mad in the process.
Duration: 20 min.
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Director Natasha Fissiak is an American-Russian film director currently studying at the Higher Courses for Screenwriters and Directors in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
After the screening, Natalia Fisyak will answer questions.
Admission: $10 at Door