Popovich Comedy Pet Theater – CANCELED
Popovich Comedy Pet Theater is a family event, an incredible blend of the unique comedy and acts of juggling by Gregory Popovich himself, the crew of balancing acrobats, and the talents of his furry costars: dogs and house cats. Each pet in the show has been rescued from animal shelters and given a new life!
Russian Play “The Bench”
Cultural Center – Our Texas presents Russian Play “The Bench” by A. Gelman featuring A. Panin and O. Demidova
Video Production of “Fragment” by Dmitry Krymov
The Cultural Center “Our Texas” is proud to present the video production of Dmitry Krymov’s award-winning adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s “Three Sisters”.
Movie & theater stars Dmitry Nazarov & Olga Vasilyeva in “What The Heck Knows!”
Movie and theater stars Dmitry Nazarov and Olga Vasilyeva invite you to the premiere of their new play, the tragicomedy “What The Heck Knows!”
CANCELED: Drama “The last role of Solomon Michoels”
Спектакль «Последняя роль Соломона Михоэлса» по пьесе Зиновия Сагалова в постановке режиссера, Народного Артиста Молдовы, Иосифа Шаца – это рассказ-притча о жизни и трагической гибели великого еврейского Актера и общественного деятеля Соломона Михайловича Михоэлса
Puppet show for kids: Elf’s Winter Tales
Зимний спектакль-сказка про чудеса, доброту и дружбу для детей от 2-х лет.
Alexey Ivastchenko
Алексей Иващенко – автор нескольких сотен песен, одинаково свободно чувствующий себя в самых разных жанрах – от городского романса до джаза, от мюзикла до акустического рока, он играет на гитаре в своём собственном, ни на кого не похожем и всегда узнаваемом стиле….
Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
Popovich Comedy Pet Theater is a family event, an incredible blend of the unique comedy and acts of juggling by Gregory Popovich himself, the crew of balancing acrobats, and the talents of his furry costars: dogs and house cats. Each pet in the show has been rescued from animal shelters and given a new life!
Russian Theater on the Big Screen – The Brothers Karamazov
The first screening of the series "Russian Theater on the Big Screen" in 2020. The Brothers Karamazov Eifman Ballet, Saint Petersburg Language: Russian with English subtitles Duration: 1 hour 26 min. ( no intermission) Tickets: $15 The Br ...