Meeting with Anton Dolin
Разговор о парадоксах любимых комедий. Показ документального фильма Михаила Файнштейна «Савелий Крамаров: джентельмен удачи!» и возможность задать вопросы режиссеру.
16th Annual Documentary Showcase
The program of our 16th documentary film festival will be dedicated to the Ukrainian fight against Russian aggression for liberty and independence.
Call for Participation: Displaced by the War
Cultural Center “Our Texas” in collaboration with Houston-based photographer Vladimir Frumin opens a call for participation in the new project “Displaced by the War” about refugees from Ukraine.
15th Annual Documentary Showcase – Images of Russia
This year the Film Festival is dedicated to the portraits of the people whether it is the last leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev or common citizens of Belarus. The Program of the festival includes two movies – “Gorbachev. Heaven” by Vitaliy Manski and “The Route Recalculated” by Maksim Shved. Both movies are with English subtitles.
14th Annual Documentary Showcase – Images of Russia
Please join us for the 14th Documentary Showcase Images of Russia ONLINE.